Saturday 28 February 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Five- Rearrangement of facial features


Although I only come out with one image  this particular shoot I think it created a great step in how I want to develop my next few shoots and skills. I think this shoot allowed me to decide how I want to continue in this project and one of the areas of which I wanted to explore. 

I like how this image turned out and once I had figures out how to create the image was simple to do. I like how creative this image appears and the look which the image creates. I think that the colours withing this image also add the dramatic effect. I think there are a variety of aspects which help build the surrealism approach which is viewed in this image. 


For my next shoot I want to focus on this idea and create images reflecting this topic. A photographer which I am going to look at for inspiration is Giuseppe Matromatteos. The ideas portrayed by this photographer and style of work is similar to what I want to create and how I am to portray my work for the next shoot. 

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