Saturday 28 February 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Three- Multiple People


I really enjoyed shooting for this shoot. However I found that if a slight movement in between image could create difficulties within the editing stage. I also found that if a change of lighting happened during taking the required images for one finial piece lighting would be different and could affect the look of the images and was hard to alter so it matched up well, luckily I didn't have many issues with the changing of natural lighting during this shoot.  

This is my favorite image from the shoot and I think by having a variety of different people in the image it just made it slightly different from my others and stood out for me with my straight prints. I Find it interesting how the people are staggered and on different levels withing the image.  

With this image I found it hard to create an image which had very similar lighting due to the strong natural lighting shown within the image. I do think that this lighting in the corner of the image makes more interesting involving shadows and matching certain aspects. I think that by creating an image like this it will also help with further work which lighting adjustments may be needed as well. I think I was very successful within this shoot and didn't end up with some very good images which will also help me develop my skills and ideas withing this topic and my work. 


For my next shoot I want to combined the ideas from my two previous shoots and create images based on a photographer I looked at in my research log. I wish to create images showing miniature people placed in a environment. I want to start by doing this in the studio however I think it would be interesting to then see how I could approach this on a location shoot. I think that this idea would also be good in a home environment. I want this shoot to reflect how realities can be challenged and how impossibles can be viewed within photography. 

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