Wednesday 18 February 2015

Definition Post

Dictionary Definition 
  • A montage constructed from photographic images 
Describing Words...
  • Usual 
  • Unique
  • Creative 
  • Individual 
  • Collage 
  • Distort  
The image above is a prime example of how this type of photography questions the true size and location of places and how they change and we alter them. I really like the way in which the cup holds the miniature forest as such and the message it portrays, that we hold nature and decides what happens to it.  I think that the black and white finish to the image gives it a better effect.

The image represents a girl trapped inside a bottle and floating on a source of water. Images like this can create multiple questions unique to the different people which I find interesting and think is how this particular artist was aiming for. There a slight reflection and depth used in this image, In my opinion this helps to create the lost feeling and message being portrayed and highlight the separation of the girl and the outside world.

In the image above one photo has been altered in size and cropped and moved around to create this image. I like the effect in which it gives and think that it would be interesting to use this technique in a similar piece of work. I think that the black and white effect in this image help to create a smoother transition form one sections or cut out to another. 

This image creates a confusing first impression and makes people rethink about what they saw this intrigues me about the image and this particular technique. The sleek positing and appearance of the model creates a contrast to the bright pink and red lips placed over her hand. Almost as if the model has been told to hide her identity however not every aspect of her individually and creativity has been removed. I find it interesting how a photo which appears to be so  simple can create many new ideas and inspiration. 

Own Definition 
  • Photos combined together in a simple or complex way to create a new image from an old.

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