
Mindmap – for FIVE of the  questions..........
One detailed mindmap - complete to 3 levels..........
Discussion - complete and illustrated..........
Definitions – Dictionary Def….. describing words….. Four annotated pictues, ….real example… your definition……

Image Bank - complete with 30 images and annotations…..

Research Log - completed with at least TWENTY entries and annotations 
   No1(A.S) why picked..... 4 photos......evaluations....... influence.... sum..... 
   No2(E.J) why picked..... 4 photos..... evaluations....... influence....sum.....
   No3(D.H) why picked..... 4 photos..... evaluations....... influence....sum.....
   No4(T.B) why picked..... 4 photos..... evaluations....... influence....sum.....
   No5(J.U) why picked..... 4 photos..... evaluations....... influence....sum.....

Connecting Essays    1.... 2.... 3.... 4..... 5.....

Contact sheets Shoot No 1…. Shoot No 2….  Shoot No 3…. 
Shoot No 4….  Shoot No 5….  Shoot No 6….  Shoot No 7….  Shoot No 8….  Shoot No 9….  Shoot No 10….  

Straight prints - From your shoots at least FORTY
Shoot No 1…. Shoot No 2….  Shoot No 3….  Shoot No 4….  Shoot No 5….  Shoot No 6….  Shoot No 7….Shoot No 8 .... Shoot No 9….  Shoot No 10…. 

Print Techniques - Black & White.... Duotone..... Repetition,.... . Selective Colour....... Photojoiner.... Soft Focus....  

Work RecordsShoot No 1…. Shoot No 2….  Shoot No 3….  Shoot No 4….  Shoot No 5….  Shoot No 6….  Shoot No 7….  Shoot No 8….  Shoot No 9….  Shoot No 10…. 

Computer experiments - one...two...three... four.... five.... six..... seven.... eight...... nine...... ten...........

Physical experiments - one...two...three... four.... five.... six..... seven.....eight......

Folder containing 5 hour Exam  ………

Electronic portfolio (powerpoint on blog)........... 

Final pieces 1..2..3..4...5...6...7..8...9...10.... 11...12...13...14....15..... 16.....17...... 18....19....20.....

Overall project Evaluation.........

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