Wednesday 18 February 2015

Photographer Research- Amy Spanos

Photography Information

Amy Spanos is an overall amazing photographer, she takes creative images for couples, weddings and general portraits. She manipulates some of her images to create photos which are good examples of photomontage. She is a photographer which is local to Harlow. 

Why I chose This photographer

I choose Amy Spanos to research in further depth as I have researched her in the past and found her work very interesting and unique. I think that when I went back to look at her work I found that she has many pieces which would relate to my chosen topic and she had explored a variety of ideas which could help me develop within this project. 

Photographer Examples 

I like how this image gives the appearance that the women is in the water although she probably wasn't when the image was taken. Amy Spanos has created many techniques like this and I like the idea behind it.  

I like how this images makes me think about how it was taken. I think that the positioning of the person helps create a relaxed feel to the image. 

I really like this image I think it creates a horror effect and a scary atmosphere in the image. There are different areas which help create this, The way in which her head is shows her squeezing through and looks quite intimidating. Making people question if a person could truly fit and why was they in there in the first place. 

I like how this image is focused and the way in which it has a piece of the on the left is not focused. I like how the background would usually appear as very cluttered and busy for an image like this however the idea of the image keeps pure focus on the girl.  


I find Amy Spanos work to have a unique perspective, I like how she has looked at a variety of different styles, testing her self through out her work. She has influenced me from her work by the way in which I create this photos and the people in them. I think she has helped me see that the subject or focus of the image helps to create a successful image. I think by using correct props and people it adds to the desired tone and idea of the image. 


I overall think that Amy's work is very inspirational and allows idea to be created by her work. I think her skill and time taken for her images to be created is reflected within her images. I like how she has explored and tried a variety of different ideas.  

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