Saturday 28 February 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Two- Resizeing of images

For this shoot I focused on adjusting size however still in an interesting way I feel that i have done this and I have developed throughout the two images I have done. A main issue that i had to over come when doing this editing and shooting was ensuring that I took images that could find into the other that still looked semi realistic as well as the correct shadowing that would occur if the smaller adjusted image was actually in that environment.  

This was my first try with this style of work i found it interesting to edit and like the finial result. however i had an issue with the focusing in this image I found that the hand was actually slightly out of focus compared to the face and had to adjust the boy to match the hand to make the two images join more smoothly. 

I done this image after to help build on my work and improve errors from before. i think that this image did turn out better and i like the finial result. In my opinion i think that the shadowing on the two image are slightly different however i think i approached this issue well and have edited to the best of my ability. 

For my next shoot i want to look at having mutiple people within one image. i want to have one person photographed in a variety of areas and join the image to show this person in the variety of places in one image. I want to do this to help progress to an i dead i have for a shoot further ahead. 

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