Wednesday 18 February 2015

Image bank 2

 Double Exposure Images 

I like how the colour of this image overlays on the persons face as well as the outline and patterns. Creating an mixture of both patterns and colours within the image. I find this way of double exposure to help how two images in more detail. As the plants overlay in a way which still shows them in some detail swell as the girl and her background well. 

 For this image i like how the texture on the hands has been created. Along with the gradual change and missing specs of the hand. I think this image hints at a loss. The missing certain parts of the hand and the positioning of the hand help to demonstrate this fading away idea. 

I find the technique and way of which these images are created to display a complex and image filled with interesting detail.I find that these images have been overlaid with others and joined with other images to create these effects in a interesting way. In my opinion to create successful images in pieces like this you have to have a image which displays a texture and interesting pattern. There is often pictures of branches, plants or natural occurring objects. I find this technique to be very inspiring and would be interesting to recreate pieces based on images like these. 

Multiple imagery and photojoiner 

This image demonstrates the use of multiple imagery however I feel that this image combines multiple imagery with photojoiner. Creating this surreal idea and create portray of the pool. Giving extra detail and producing a more interesting piece. The divisions and sections created though this technique can often help highlight certain areas or individual images within the finial photograph. 
the same photographer. I like how the photographer has approached the idea of this photojoiner and has combined his images in this particular way. I think these images are a good example of photographer displaying identity and individually of people and the people living around us. I like the way in which when you find these images there are not just of one person but three. Creating a contrast of the surrounding of which the people are in and the type of people in the image. 

 I like how this image shows a sense of movement of the model as her position changes. I think by gathering a collection of photos and placing them in one big collage it helps to show different emotions or idea within one piece. Particular multiple imagery allows us to see different angles and some slightly different poses of which she takes. Allowing us to see a funny and serious side of the model. I think that by having this image in black and white is create a more sleek and provides a better feel for the image. 

This image is a prime example of a photojoiner. Photojoiner's allow us to see more of an object or area, from different angles or just a interesting perspective. I like how this image to the right has some images within the photojoiner placed at angles and tilted. I think this to provide a interesting perspective of the surrounding. Also the photojoiner of the the chair is a fascinating piece as  I shows multiple areas of the chair form different angles however still has a smooth transition between images. 
The image next to the chair of the multiple imagery I would also considered as having photojoiner aspects. This is due to way of how it has a recreation of a place or setting within the piece. 
 Surrealism effects or testing reality
 This image intrigues me in how the editing process occurred.  I like the way in which the mirrors/ frames are angled so we can see the background through it. I think this images creates an interesting idea of transport and shows movement in a usual way. 

Many photomontage pieces I have seen have involved this idea of placing a scene or object in a unexpected area. This is a prime example of how realistic they appear due to the smooth transition from one image to the next within the piece. I like how this hints at the idea of not everything is how it seems. A person viewing the image would expect to see a tongue on the instead they are faced with his dark path. In my opinion i see this image as a person removing the tongue and eliminating the ability of the person to speak. Involving a deep meaning of how people are unable to speak there mind and ideas and views are placed within there mouth. Below is another image a selected with a similar idea of opening up something and finding the unexpected. 

Although its not clearly shown how two image have been joined it suggested that a images of pure texture has been layered over another to create this image. I like how this techniques could be used in a variety of different ways to put across different ideas within the image.

The two images show how landscapes and famous land makes can be used to create a new reality and reflect how different places can be mixed together. I like how one of the above images have been manipulated to show the destruction which we can cause and I think by placing all these type of destruction in one area it shows how much we can affect a place and the world. 
I like the way in which the above images have created illusions withing how they have joined together. I think they represent a complex but interesting way in which photomonatage can be used and explored to create unique images. It fascinates me how my eyes consistently adjust and see slightly different. 

I find it interesting how these photos have been joined together an manipulated to create and  show unusual perspectives and test reality's. I like the way in which certain aspects of an image have been move or changed with something els to create an interesting and different image, as well as the way in which certain ares have been covered with a different photo to show a completely different idea and meaning. In my opinion the message portrayed in the image on the right is considered as people being unable to move from a view or judgment of what people have of them. Displaying how people try to break free from a negative image and positively change others there perspective of them.

 I selected this image as I like the way in which the facial features are joined and placed on unexpected areas and yet still create a image which appears realistic and has a smooth joining of the images. 
The two images above use facial features and place them in unexpected or predicted areas. Helping to create this idea of a new reality and testing the normal views and abilities. I like the way in which both images are involving more than two scenes or objects. I found many examples of images being placed within someones eye and however this is one of my favorite due to how the surrounding of the eye has been altered to create a bigger effect on the image and highlight certain aspects of it. I like how selective colour has also been used to create a more dramatic effect.

I like how these images test reality and create an image which is strange and creative. I find that these images have added an area which questions the nature of objects and true size and arises questions within peoples minds. The main area which interests me about these images is how natural they appear and how well they have been put together and work so well.

 This image shows the hands as having a transparent appearance. The original image would be suggested as the hands in front of this scene and a ripple affect simply being placed onto of the image. I like how images like this make me question how they was created and can help develop in my understanding of photomontage. The rippled of the hand create a small but effect change in the image and help create and interesting focal point of which will intrigue views. I also think the formal element tone has been used in this piece to create a smoother transition and blend of the ripple on the hands. 

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