Wednesday 18 February 2015


Photomontage can be shown in a variety of different ways. It can be described as the joining of images to create a new image. I think it can produce unique and interesting images. It can be show in a collage, a multiple imagery, a photojoiner or by place an image within another image.

The image above is an example of how photomontage can show size difference and how images can be inserted inside another to create this unusual photo.

The image above shows how surrealism is shown within many photomonatge photography. By combining these two images it creates a slightly confusing yet interesting photo.  
In the two examples above the images have been joined together in a way in which they have overlapped so they show both images a different opacity's to reveal both. I like how this has been done. 

Above is an example of multiple imagery this could however be more than 9 images. This is an interesting way in which distort images could be created. 

A photojoiner is also an interesting way in which a photomontage could be represented. I like the way in which this particular technique creates a distort image with a unique look.  

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