Wednesday 18 February 2015

Research Log

Amy Spanos

I find Amy Spanos work to be extremely unique and interesting. I like the way in which she creates a series of  images which link together. Also I think the way she has created these photomontage's reflects surrealism and challenges realities. I think she would be an interesting photographer to research in more depth.   

Jerry Uelsmann

Jerry Uelsmann is a well known photographer which creates images involving photo manipulation and the combining of multiple images. I think in many of his pieces he enhances natural environments beauty by his technique.   

David Hockney

David Hockney is most commonly known for his photojoiner and multiple imagery techniques. He often reconstructed images in a unusual way to create a different and more complex image. I think he displays this technique in a great way and i really like his work. 

Tom Chamber

I found the way in which tom chambers combined unexpected images together to be adventuresses due to the difference in the objects in some of his pieces. I think that the manipulation which he has used on his images shows how simple images could be used to created more complex and extravagant images. 

Tomas Barbey

Within the topic which I choose to study Thomas barley had some famous pieces which keep reappearing when researching the topic. I think his work can be very inspiring within this topic and could help within my work and developing my ideas. 

Erik Johanson

Erik Johnson is a photographer which i have research in the past i really his work and how he approached many ideas and reflects topics and portrays messages and ideas withing his pieces.


Kassandra was an photographer which I was unable to find much on and was limited on within her work however was impressed by what I was able to find. The way in which she had edited and manipulated her images inspired me in the way in which I would like the finial results of my work.

Staudinger Franke

The creativity of Staudinger Franke pieces is what captured my eye about his work. I like the way in which he had explored the ideas of size and manipulated the size of people within many pieces of his work yet all of his pieces looked different and impressed me.

Khoung Nguyen

I find the way in which Khoung Nguyen represents different and ideas and messages withing his work to be interesting. He often uses animals withing his work, it think is fascinating and works well in his images. 

Frank Uyettenhove

I like the way in which Frank Uyettenhove creates unusual and unique situations within his work. I think that he puts his pieces to together in a way which works well and creates fascinating images.

Giuseppe Mastromatteos

Giuseppe Mastromatteos has multiple pieces of work which involve the rearrangement of facial features and masks. The artists also has worked on the mixing and joining of people, some of her work can show a great contrast. 

Aisha Zeijpveld

Many of Aisha Zeijpveld work displays this collage look and gives different effects due to way in which she layers and edits her images. I like how her work could be reflected as being a physical experiment or being created in photoshop. 

Le souris sur le gateau

I like the way in which this photographer creates usual scenes within there photography and portrays some strong ideas and messages through there work.  

Marcela Boilvar

I like in which Marcela Boilvar enhances colours and tones to add effect to his images and make them more dramatic. The use of props and added images within his work creates more interesting and unique pieces which appeal to many different audiences.

Aysha Remeithi

I liked the way in which Aysha Remeithi portrayed this fairy tale idea within my eyes. Although her main work was within fashion her fashion work reflected an usual which I believed challenge some areas and created usual questions. 

Tami Bone

Many of Tami Bone work involves places images within an object of another image. I like how this creates images which looks as if it is in once place but looking into another. I think this is a very creative way to blend two images together and gives a sleek and styles feel to an image which can portray some surrealism. 

Joel Robison

The ideas shown in Joel Robison photography impressed and inspired me. I think that the angle which this artist has looked at this topic from is unique and was a overall very creative photographer.

Katerina Plotnikova

In my opinion Katerina Plotnikova work reflects a fairy tale side of photomontage. I think many of her pieces create a daydream effect in a positive way. I like the way in which she used different unusual clothes, props or fantasy figures to create this effective within her images. 

Ari Mahardhika

I really like the way in which Ari Mahardhika has taken and edited this particular series of images. Although this is not the only type of work which reflects photomontage and can be linked within my topic I think this is an interesting way in which he showed it. I think that his work in general overview is good and that many of his pieces could inspire me within this project.

Nigel Goldsmith

I like the way in which this photographer has placed images within unexpected areas and explored the boundaries of which we assume is normal. I think this photograph has created images which appear to be simple however have a much more complex and way in which they have been joined. 

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