Friday 1 May 2015

Connecting Essay Two

Online Photograph

This image taken from online reflects a sense of journey and movement. I see this image as a demonstration that people focus to much on the past and even when moving ahead do not want to or are unable to leave the past behind. I like how only the wing mirror is the only part of the image which is focused highlighting the place just leaving or past.

Own Photograph

I think this image portrayed more meaning to me then initially intended, I like how the image is split into half almost reflecting the road ahead and the road behind. I find it interesting how the side blurred is the side reflecting the journey being taking or head, however the half showing the past and things past is perfectly clear. I think this shows how we are uncertain of the future and what it holds and can only created a blurred guess to what we expect or desire. 


I think these images have a clear and defined link within there appearance and idea within the images and positing. I think that the image from online shows how focusing to much on the past can consumer your ideas and restrict your future by the way in which the picture is filled with mainly the wing mirror and this idea of the past. However my own image has more of a balanced effect. On the other hand both images in my opinion portray similar messages of how the past is never truly left in the past for some people and can obsess over there past and loss sight of there opportunities and possibilities for the future. 

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