Friday 1 May 2015

Connecting Essay One

Online Photograph

I chose the above image as I like the message portrayed and different detail and contrast within the image. The message I believe the photographer showing in this image is how some people can be in plain sight but be unnoticed and faceless in our minds. Reflecting how we do not pay enough attention to others and see them as individuals and many simply look straight through them. 

Own Photograph

The above image was a piece taken during my exam,  like how this image turned out. The message I was aiming for in this particular image is to show how people can blend into the background and seem to become less important and less individual within a surrounding no matter how different, I believe I achieved this within my image. However I also like the tired out effect created by the rustic frame and patched together wall by different pieces and the contract on ideas it shows within the image. 


In my opinion I think these images connect in a variety of ways, from the props and idea of placing an image inside another this way to the rustic backgrounds and settings. I think I way in which I look and these images and the messages they display to me are very similar in the sense of loss of individuality. I like the way in which both these images have a worn out background/ setting of the images and I think this helps to highlight the message of the image and help to create an interesting tone in both images. However I do feel the online image has stronger colour's and this helps add effect to the image, and I would take this into consideration when shooting again. 

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