Friday 1 May 2015

Connecting Essay Three

Online Photograph

I find this technique used to create interesting and complex images. I like how this images represents a flow of actions and a series of events in all one image. I like how the bend in the arms and positioning of the hands is keep the same or very similar in each movements. Creating a smooth flow of movements. 

Own Photograph 

I like how much time has to be spent sometimes creating an image using this multiple flash as I find that often the finial piece is worth it. I like how this image shows a sequence of events and a flow of movements and actions. I find it interesting how this particular image shows one initial movement ,the punch, and the consequence it has on the opposite person. 


Both these images reflect movement I like how they both represent a continuous movement. As well as creating a smooth flow between each frame/ image from the individual flash. I like how they both are created in a way which is more complex then simply a press of a button and required time to set up and often many retakes to create an images that works. 

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