Friday 1 May 2015

Connecting Essay Five

Online Photograph

The tone created by this image in my opinion is quite dark and holds deeper meaning then appears. I like the surrealism within this image and the effect this idea and technique creates. I find it interesting how the girl is looking above often associated with searching for something.  In my opinion this creates an idea that the girls is placed in a room lacking individuality and  is searching for differentiation from the crown.  

Own Photograph

I like the positioning of this image and the dark tones involved helping to create this dark and strong surrealism effect. I like how the person face has been completely removed and lost any emotion and left without an expression. Showing how peoples individual opinion are being ignored and people are being quietened. Losing there importance and value of opinion and place in society. 


Both these images are based on the same idea. I find it fascinating how these images have been created and the time it must have taken from taking the image to the finial result. The message portrayed by each individual photo are similar in the concept of loss of individuality and missing importance. I like how both these images could be interpreted different by different people. In my opinion these images highlight the change in society and feelings of people. Also how more and more people often feel as if they don't have a right to a say or are restricted by societies views and expectations, which they feel they can not meet. 

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