Friday 1 May 2015

Project Evaluation

I have enjoyed this overall projected and help it has helped develop my photography skills and ability on photoshop. I think that by doing this I project I had to take photos from angles and areas which would work with how I wanted to edit them and have helped me focus of how I take my images.
Through out the project I tried I variety of editing techniques and way to display certain ideas. I like this creative and imaginative side of the topic. 
Overall i am glad i chose this particular topic as it has tested me and stretch my abilities and helped in develop and improve in many different areas. 


Straight Images, Shoot Thirteen- Props Shoot

Work Diary- Exam Left Overs (Shoot Twelve)


I shoot these images when I was in my exam however was unable to complete them and finish editing due to restrictions on time. 

I Like the effect created by this image I think that the surrealism feel to the image help reflect this pictures uniqueness. I like the way in which this technique is easy to create however looks good as a finial piece. I think that this way of placing an image inside an image is good as it creates a smooth transition and helps highlight what inside the frame. 


I think that by doing this exam I was not able to understand and appreciate the time and how long different editing time takes. As well as now know how to balance out my time and shooting.

Straight Images- Exam Left Overs (Shoot Twelve)

Work Diary, Shoot Eleven- Double Exposure


The idea behind these images have been around for many years. Although my two camera's was unable to create this technique on the camera and whilst shooting, I created them on photoshop. This technique was one which required many adjustments through out to try and create an image which worked well and looked good. 

I really like the look of this images and how it can allow images to blend smoothly and creatively. I like the way in which these images blend from the bottom up I think this worked better than from the side this particular portrait. I like how details from the person at the bottom are only shown within the tree and keep this branched effect to keep detail of the tree's. I think that I struggled editing this image as it was the first one and I had to looked up many different ways to edit them as well as and ways which worked with these two images. 


For my next shoot I am going to look at my images from my exam and find ones which I did not have time to finish editing. I want to finish the images which I wanted to create for my exam however didn't have the time. 

Straight Images, Shoot Eleven- Double Exposure

Connecting Essay Five

Online Photograph

The tone created by this image in my opinion is quite dark and holds deeper meaning then appears. I like the surrealism within this image and the effect this idea and technique creates. I find it interesting how the girl is looking above often associated with searching for something.  In my opinion this creates an idea that the girls is placed in a room lacking individuality and  is searching for differentiation from the crown.  

Own Photograph

I like the positioning of this image and the dark tones involved helping to create this dark and strong surrealism effect. I like how the person face has been completely removed and lost any emotion and left without an expression. Showing how peoples individual opinion are being ignored and people are being quietened. Losing there importance and value of opinion and place in society. 


Both these images are based on the same idea. I find it fascinating how these images have been created and the time it must have taken from taking the image to the finial result. The message portrayed by each individual photo are similar in the concept of loss of individuality and missing importance. I like how both these images could be interpreted different by different people. In my opinion these images highlight the change in society and feelings of people. Also how more and more people often feel as if they don't have a right to a say or are restricted by societies views and expectations, which they feel they can not meet. 

Connecting Essay Four

Online Photograph 

The technique used above is Triptych. I like how this technique can be used to show a series of photos which could directly link or show a group of images with a similar idea. I like how above it has been used by placing them above each other in a flow to create almost a person standing and as if he has just chosen to crop out areas of the person which are considered to be less relevant to what the photographer wants to show. 

Own Photograph

I like how this images shows a person and gives an idea of there hobbies and interests. Demonstrating a part of a person within the images shown. I think that by showing the image this way it can help drawn attention to certain areas of the image and create a stronger focus then normally created. 


These images connect in a variety of ways in which they multiple images joined together in the same way to the idea being represents. I think that both these images provide an insight into the subjects interests and likes. I like how both these images focus on certain areas. I think these photo reflect the individuality of people and highlight the different and contrast of people and likes. 

Connecting Essay Three

Online Photograph

I find this technique used to create interesting and complex images. I like how this images represents a flow of actions and a series of events in all one image. I like how the bend in the arms and positioning of the hands is keep the same or very similar in each movements. Creating a smooth flow of movements. 

Own Photograph 

I like how much time has to be spent sometimes creating an image using this multiple flash as I find that often the finial piece is worth it. I like how this image shows a sequence of events and a flow of movements and actions. I find it interesting how this particular image shows one initial movement ,the punch, and the consequence it has on the opposite person. 


Both these images reflect movement I like how they both represent a continuous movement. As well as creating a smooth flow between each frame/ image from the individual flash. I like how they both are created in a way which is more complex then simply a press of a button and required time to set up and often many retakes to create an images that works. 

Connecting Essay Two

Online Photograph

This image taken from online reflects a sense of journey and movement. I see this image as a demonstration that people focus to much on the past and even when moving ahead do not want to or are unable to leave the past behind. I like how only the wing mirror is the only part of the image which is focused highlighting the place just leaving or past.

Own Photograph

I think this image portrayed more meaning to me then initially intended, I like how the image is split into half almost reflecting the road ahead and the road behind. I find it interesting how the side blurred is the side reflecting the journey being taking or head, however the half showing the past and things past is perfectly clear. I think this shows how we are uncertain of the future and what it holds and can only created a blurred guess to what we expect or desire. 


I think these images have a clear and defined link within there appearance and idea within the images and positing. I think that the image from online shows how focusing to much on the past can consumer your ideas and restrict your future by the way in which the picture is filled with mainly the wing mirror and this idea of the past. However my own image has more of a balanced effect. On the other hand both images in my opinion portray similar messages of how the past is never truly left in the past for some people and can obsess over there past and loss sight of there opportunities and possibilities for the future. 

Connecting Essay One

Online Photograph

I chose the above image as I like the message portrayed and different detail and contrast within the image. The message I believe the photographer showing in this image is how some people can be in plain sight but be unnoticed and faceless in our minds. Reflecting how we do not pay enough attention to others and see them as individuals and many simply look straight through them. 

Own Photograph

The above image was a piece taken during my exam,  like how this image turned out. The message I was aiming for in this particular image is to show how people can blend into the background and seem to become less important and less individual within a surrounding no matter how different, I believe I achieved this within my image. However I also like the tired out effect created by the rustic frame and patched together wall by different pieces and the contract on ideas it shows within the image. 


In my opinion I think these images connect in a variety of ways, from the props and idea of placing an image inside another this way to the rustic backgrounds and settings. I think I way in which I look and these images and the messages they display to me are very similar in the sense of loss of individuality. I like the way in which both these images have a worn out background/ setting of the images and I think this helps to highlight the message of the image and help to create an interesting tone in both images. However I do feel the online image has stronger colour's and this helps add effect to the image, and I would take this into consideration when shooting again.