Monday 30 March 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Nine- Triptych, Diptych & Repetition


For this shoot I wanted to try a new photography technique. I found triptych and Diptych and decided to focus of these two techniques. After looking for inspiration on the internet I shoot in the studio with a variety of ideas and items. I also used one of my photos from this shoot to complete a repetition piece and plead this within for straight images for this shoot as well. 

I like how the image above reflect a action which has happened as the image progress to the right. I think that idea of showing a sequence of events could be approached in a variety of ways and display interesting ideas. However one way in which I would like to change this image is how the hand is positioned all thought this would be hard to achieve is I would like to have the hand in an almost exact position for all the image to create a smoother transition between images. 

The image above is an example of a diptych. I like how these techniques joins images together and can display two related images as a more interesting one piece. One issue I had with these images is capturing an image which showed the phone screen. I like the finial result of this image and how the composition of Nathan of the left image.


I would like to use this techniques within my work more and think there would be some interesting images I could create if i done a shoot like this in location. However I plan to use this within shoots however not have a whole shoot based on These particular techniques until I have explore some more areas and techniques of this topic. For mt next shoot I would like to do a photographer inspired shoot and this will be David Hockney. He focuses on multiple imagery and photojoiner however in a unique and interesting way I want to approach my next shoot in a similar way to his and explore a variety of ways I can portray his work. 

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