Monday 30 March 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Nine- Triptych, Diptych & Repetition


For this shoot I wanted to try a new photography technique. I found triptych and Diptych and decided to focus of these two techniques. After looking for inspiration on the internet I shoot in the studio with a variety of ideas and items. I also used one of my photos from this shoot to complete a repetition piece and plead this within for straight images for this shoot as well. 

I like how the image above reflect a action which has happened as the image progress to the right. I think that idea of showing a sequence of events could be approached in a variety of ways and display interesting ideas. However one way in which I would like to change this image is how the hand is positioned all thought this would be hard to achieve is I would like to have the hand in an almost exact position for all the image to create a smoother transition between images. 

The image above is an example of a diptych. I like how these techniques joins images together and can display two related images as a more interesting one piece. One issue I had with these images is capturing an image which showed the phone screen. I like the finial result of this image and how the composition of Nathan of the left image.


I would like to use this techniques within my work more and think there would be some interesting images I could create if i done a shoot like this in location. However I plan to use this within shoots however not have a whole shoot based on These particular techniques until I have explore some more areas and techniques of this topic. For mt next shoot I would like to do a photographer inspired shoot and this will be David Hockney. He focuses on multiple imagery and photojoiner however in a unique and interesting way I want to approach my next shoot in a similar way to his and explore a variety of ways I can portray his work. 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Eight - Mixing Images Together


For this shoot I wanted to focus on technique rather than create unusual pieces I hoped to explore a new way in which I could show my images and a technique of which I could use withing my pieces. As well as this I hoped to practice my positioning of my subjects in the image. I think that by doing this particular idea I was able to widen my ideas on techniques and improve my composition of work and focus. 

I chose to do this when I saw on my contact sheet that I had a few images which matched in the positioning and similar in size so they was easily matched up. I like how it turned out and found it quiet easily to complete. I think that this way of  mixing images is simple yet can be interesting as some people can see one of the three different people stronger then the other and create different images. 

This image is the first time I tried this technique within my images. I like the look of which this techniques creates and how it joins images together. I like how different areas can be focused in a variety of different areas or show a sequence of event or stages. I like how this image zooms in different areas to point out or highlight different aspects of the girls face and how the pictures at the side highlight her eyes and make-up.


For my next shoot I want to look into different triptych and also look at another technique I found on the internet, diptych. I think by looking at a variety of techniques and using this it would help withing my overall, photography skills and create interesting images which relate to my project.

Straight Images, Shoot Eight- Mixing Images Together

Monday 16 March 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Seven-


I chose to do adapt on my previous shoot and create a multiple imagery of my idea. 

Although from the shoot I was only able to produce one image I had to work and complete each image individually and then join them together. To complete this image took time as each photo had its difficulties. I think that some images come out better then other involving how they was edited. I am most disappointed with the image on the middle right as I think I could have done this better. However I like how like most of the other ones turned out and the positioning of each person within the multiple imagery.  


For my next shoot I want to focus on adapting my photoshop skills within a way to edit images individually and create a surrealism effect. I want to do a shoot focused on a affect I can create on photoshop known as liquify. I want to focus on adjusting peoples faces and a few different objects. I think that these will involve a variety of different difficulties and test my abilities.  

Straight Images, Shoot Seven- Rearrangement/ Missing of facial features