Thursday 30 April 2015

Work Diary, Shoot Ten- Multiple Flash


For this shoot I wanted to experiment with multiple flash. I done these photos on my camera in the studio, I found this shoot to be quite complex to set up and when taking the images difficult to know weather they was going right due to not being able to see the picture whilst taking the image. I think to create a successful image it required quite a few tries however I am happy with most of my finial results. I enjoyed the process of thanking these photos and found it to be an interesting way to create images reflecting the topic photomontage which required minimal editing in photoshop just slight adjustments. 

I like how this image reflects a motion and action being performed. The one thing I would change would have to be the facial expression of the last stage of Alex( the person being punched) I think it should be replaced by a more serious expression to reflect the tone I was aiming for I this image. 

Personally I think this is one of my best images out of the shoot. Although this image appears simple and relaxed, I like the angles of the person and positioning within himself and hand in one of them. I like the proper used and think this help add an idea and focus to the images. 


For my next shoot I am going to focus on double exposure. Unfortunately both of my cameras are unable to do this setting so i will have to work on various techniques on photoshop to create the desired effect.